Indybolt is a film education company created to teach, inspire, and support, aspiring film directors.

What being a director means

story & story stucture

visual development

film production - 101

the day of the shoot

post production

the directors path

Before you jump into shooting, it’s important to know how to organize and breakdown a script into scenes and sequences. You’ll learn what’s valuable in a shot and how to focus on shooting scenes that matter. Learn how to properly prepare for shooting days, build a strong team, and how to build a directors kit for the big day. Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Learn how to be a leader on set, motivate your crew, problem solve, and get results that matter. This lesson is essential for making sure you actually get what you need in the can. Bad coverage can Ruin your film and leave your audience confused. Learning how to speak to actors is a skill. In this lesson we’ll teach you some key concepts to you need to resonate with your talent. Learn how to work with your cinematographer to stylized and make your mark on a movie.

here’s What you’ll learn in this course

story Development

Learn the anatomy of story structure

Adapt story structure to shorts, features, and commercials

Learn how to break down action

Learn how to build quality shotlists and storyboards quickly

Visual Development

The 7 elements of a great movie


Production design

Camera movement


Actors looks

production & hiring



Hiring - Filmmakers Assemble!!!


Locations, Props, Permits

Rehearsal - Blocking & Coverage

days on set

Working with Actors

Communicating to Departments

Working with setups



(Coming Soon)

Everything starts with story. Learn how to conduct research in a way that allows you to quickly build your narrative.



Learn what makes a strong film team and how to build one. We’ll teach you how to prepare for your productions in a way that allows you to shoot quickly and efficiently. Time is money. Learn a systematic way of line - budgeting scripts, scouting locations and protecting yourself legally.



(Coming Soon)

Learn how “shooting for the edit” effects your overall production. Discover how razor sharp editing skills can bring an otherwise boring production to life.